get home, carefully check them
against your monthly statements.
In case your card is lost or
Immediately contact your bank if
your card gets lost, stolen, retained
by an ATM, or you suspect that
someone might have obtained
your PIN.
Destroy expired cards by cutting
them up.
Destroy cards that you are no
longer using and inform your bank
What is phishing?
Phishing refers to online scams
that attempt to trick consumers
into revealing personal information,
such as check and credit card
account numbers, driver’s license
or bank account passwords.
Most commonly, phishers target
unsuspecting users with fake
Internet sites or email messages
that look startlingly similar to the
real thing. This is sometimes
referred to as “spoofing.”
Scammers may also leverage
social networking sites, where
users are already accustomed to
sharing information with others.
How does phishing work?
Phishing emails and websites
typically use familiar logos and
graphics to deceive consumers
into thinking the sender or website
owner is a government agency,
bank, retailer or other company
they know or do business with.
include misleading details, such as
using the company CEO’s name
in the email “from” field. Another
common phishing tactic is to make
a link in an email (and the fake
website where it leads) appear
legitimate by subtly misspelling
URLs or changing the “.com” to
“.biz” or another easily overlooked
Some phishing scams even lure
victims by telling them that their
information has already been
jeopardized. For example, potential
victims may receive an email that
appears to come from a major
bank warning that their account
has recently been exposed to
fraudulent activity. Users are asked
to click a link within the message
so they can “confirm” their bank
account information. Instead of
going to the bank’s legitimate
website, however, victims are
taken to a clever lookalike, where
their information actually is routed
to identity thieves.
If you receive any message asking
you to confirm account information
that has been “stolen” or “lost” or
encouraging you to reveal personal
information in order to receive
a prize, it’s most likely a form of
phishing. In addition to seeking
bank information, phishers may
also try to obtain your ATM PIN or
any other bits of data that can help
them build a more complete profile
from which they can operate in
your name.
Tips to avoid phishing
Consider all email requests
for personal information to be
Do not respond to such emails or
enter information on questionable
Check the legitimacy of the inquiry
by contacting the number on the
back of your credit card
Report suspicious emails or
websites to your financial institution
What is identity theft?
Using everyday items such as your
driver’s license, a thief can assume
your identity to open new bank
accounts, establish new credit
card accounts, write bad checks,
obtain personal or car loans, or
get cash advances – all in your
name. They may even set up cell
phone or utility services and run
up bills, in addition to making
charges on your existing account,
obtaining employment or renting
an apartment using your identity.
Just one instance of identity theft
can negatively impact your credit
score and may create problems